Does this sound like you?

  • Hot Flashes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Aching Joints
  • Sleeping Disorders
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Night Sweats
  • Mood Swings
  • Spotting
  • Painful Intercourse
  • Difficulty with Orgasm
  • Increased Fat Storage
  • Decreased Libido
  • Erectile Dysfunction

Most don’t know that there is anything available to help them.

There are also many other symptoms which can be improved related to hormone deficits including headaches, high blood pressure, urinary incontinence, vaginal dryness, etc.

Hormones are chemical substances
produced in glands within the body;

including the hypothalamus in the brain, the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, ovaries, testicles, fat cells, etc. These hormones have activating and regulating effects on other body tissues and organs, helping to regulate their activities. However, as you age, your body won’t always provide sufficient amounts of hormones to really feel normal.

Too many people go through the majority of their adult life without the benefit of sufficient hormones to give them a normal quality of life. Many people are currently living well beneath their potential because of hormone deficiencies. Bioidentical hormone pellets can significantly improve one’s energy, zest for life, ability to think, concentrate, and provide one with more strength and endurance.

We want to help you!

Not in Utah? Schedule a phone consultation.

Bioidentical Hormone pellet therapy is the most stable and long acting form.

Out of all the hormone treatments available, bio-identical hormone pellet therapy is the most stable and long acting form. Hormone pellets are commonly used in Australia and Europe. Although they have been used in America since the 1930’s, their popularity has increased in recent years. There is nothing mystic about them, no magic, just pure physiology, and pure common sense.

The pellets contain either estradiol or testosterone and are inserted under the skin in the abdomen or the upper buttocks under local anesthesia. Bioidentical hormones are derived from plant sources such as soy and are compounded to be biologically equivalent to human estradiol and testosterone. These hormone pellets are near the size of a grain of rice and have a continual release of natural hormone over a period of 4-6 months. Appropriate blood testing is performed prior to insertion to determine the dosages best suited for each individual. Bioidentical hormones are safer and react differently in body tissues than do the “synthetic or chemical” hormones.

Estradiol is the most active form of Estrogen in the body, primarily produced by the ovaries. Estradiol acts as an antioxidant and has cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and musculoskeletal protective effects. Bioidentical estradiol improves quality of life, moods, and vaginal and urethral tissue strength and elasticity. Thus, it reduces stress, incontinence and urinary tract infections, improves bone mineral density, reduces hot flashes and vaginal dryness, improves cholesterol levels, and does not increase the risk of breast cancer.

Bioidentical testosterone is one of the most valuable hormones available to improve the quality of life in both male and female alike. It is a natural preventative of heart issues, reduction of cancer growth, and can significantly reduce risks of osteoporosis. Bio-identical Testosterone maintains muscle, bone, connective tissues, reduces insulin resistance, reduces cancer cell proliferation, reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels naturally and can improve some auto immune diseases. It significantly improves libido, strength of orgasm, shortens muscle recovery time between exercising, removes brain fog, helps with energy and sense of well being, can reduce anxiety and depression.

Bioidentical hormones are derived from plant sources such as soy

We want to help you!

We work to balance several different hormones and look for natural hormone replacement options

123 N 500 E | Payson UT 84651

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