What are the symptoms of low hormones?


Deficiencies in Testosterone may often result in:Fatigue, Low Energy, Difficulty Concentrating, Reduced muscle strength, Low Libido, Reducesd Memory, Bone Pain, Depression, Anxiety, Weight Gain, Headaches, Dry Skin, Reduced Red Blood Count production, Reduced sexual sensitivity, Diminished feeling of well-being, difficulty with orgasm, erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis, trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.

Deficiencies in Estradiol may result in: Hot flashes, Depression, reduced skin elasticity, vaginal and urethral thinning, osteoporosis, vaginal dryness, yeast infections, mood instability, Dry mucous membranes, Weight loss, urinary tract infections, Painful intercourse, and spotting.

Low Thyroid levels may result in:Fatigue, weight gain, high cholesterol, reduced heart rate, foggy thinking, constipation, depression, cold intolerance, reduced sore temperature, pale dry skin, puffy face, heavier menstrual periods, brittle nails.

High Thyroid levels may result in:Sweating, heat intolerance, anxiety, tachycardia, irregular heart rhythm, loose stool, nervousness trembling hands, insomnia, weight loss, hair loss, breathlessness, warm moist skin, late or absent menstrual periods.

Cortisol deficiencies may result in:Fatigue, sugar cravings, low blood sugar, allergies to foods, depression, low sodium, high potassium low blood pressure, dehydration, increased skin pigmentation, altered mental status dizziness, decreased underarm or genital hair, increased infections, underweight, insomnia, frequent night time awakenings, muscle weakness.

Vitamin D deficiencies may result in:Osteoporosis, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, bone fractures, depression, heart disease, strokes, increased risk of cancers, diabetes, sleep irregularities, PMS, Anxiety

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