What are Bio-Identical Hormones?

Bio-Identical Hormones are molecule-by-molecule exactly the same as the hormones our bodies naturally create. Many of the bio-Identical hormones we use are compounded and extracted from plant sources such as soybeans and wild yams. These plant sources are targeted because their composition allows us to compound and extract hormones identical to those produced in the human body while maintaining cost-effectiveness. We currently have the technology and access to provide Bio-Identical hormone supplementation for Estrogen, Testosterone, Progesterone, Cortisol, DHEA, and Estradiol.

Synthetic hormones such as Premarin and Provera are intentionally different. We advise against the use of synthetic hormones whenever possible because of the negative side effects and known associated risks. Synthetic hormones are substances that interact with the body’s hormone receptors to mimic the interaction that hormones would have in the body. These do not effectively act as a replacement for the hormones the body needs to function because their molecular structures are altered in order to allow pharmaceutical companies to patent and brand them as their exclusive product. These substances often produce negative side effects due to the pharmaceutically-patented side chains present in these synthetic molecules. These side effects include blood clotting, heart attacks, strokes, and various forms of cancers.

Consequently, we ONLY provide Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy to give our patients the most natural, low-risk form of hormone therapy available.

What are the symptoms of low hormones?

Deficiencies in Testosterone may often result in:Fatigue, Low Energy, Difficulty Concentrating, Reduced muscle strength, Low Libido, Reducesd Memory, Bone Pain, Depression, Anxiety, Weight Gain, Headaches, Dry Skin, Reduced Red Blood Count production, Reduced sexual sensitivity, Diminished feeling of well-being, difficulty with orgasm, erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis, trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.

Deficiencies in Estradiol may result in: Hot flashes, Depression, reduced skin elasticity, vaginal and urethral thinning, osteoporosis, vaginal dryness, yeast infections, mood instability, Dry mucous membranes, Weight loss, urinary tract infections, Painful intercourse, and spotting.

Low Thyroid levels may result in:Fatigue, weight gain, high cholesterol, reduced heart rate, foggy thinking, constipation, depression, cold intolerance, reduced sore temperature, pale dry skin, puffy face, heavier menstrual periods, brittle nails.

High Thyroid levels may result in:Sweating, heat intolerance, anxiety, tachycardia, irregular heart rhythm, loose stool, nervousness trembling hands, insomnia, weight loss, hair loss, breathlessness, warm moist skin, late or absent menstrual periods.

Cortisol deficiencies may result in:Fatigue, sugar cravings, low blood sugar, allergies to foods, depression, low sodium, high potassium low blood pressure, dehydration, increased skin pigmentation, altered mental status dizziness, decreased underarm or genital hair, increased infections, underweight, insomnia, frequent night time awakenings, muscle weakness.

Vitamin D deficiencies may result in:Osteoporosis, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, bone fractures, depression, heart disease, strokes, increased risk of cancers, diabetes, sleep irregularities, PMS, Anxiety

Why do I have such low libido?

There are many factors involved in reducing sex drive including hormonal factors (primarily low testosterone, low thyroid, high prolactin) fatigue, previous painful sexual experiences, marital satisfaction, stress, certain medications (i.e. antidepressants, anxiety agents, anti-seizure medications) depression, feelings of guilt, ineffective communication, environmental factors, or misperceptions.

How do I know if my hormones are imbalanced?

If you suspect that you have a hormone deficiency of any kind, please contact us. The doctor will begin the process of analyzing your hormone balance at your new patient appointment.

What are some causes of hormone imbalance?

Causes of hormone imbalances include chronic stress, poor diet, body fat distribution, BMI, physical inactivity, and inadequate sleep. Women can also experience great shifts in hormone levels with pregnancy and with the onset of menopause. Hormones also inevitably decrease with aging regardless of other risk factors.

How do I get started?

Visit our Getting Started page for more information.

How much will my diagnostic testing cost?

Depending on your health insurance, the cost of your blood tests can vary greatly. If you know you have good health insurance, your testing will most likely be covered by an external diagnostic facility or hospital lab. If you have a high deductible or you do not have health insurance, we can perform lab tests here in our office at a lower cash price with our physician pricing discount.

What should I expect following my pellet insertion?

Follow all post-pellet procedure care instructions found in one of the links below. Avoid any stooping, bending, bike riding, and lifting any heavy weights (over 20 lbs.) for the first 5-7 days. If you experience any active bleeding (not oozing) please contact us at 801-377-0580. Following your first pellet only, follow-up blood work must be done about 4 weeks after your insertion. This ensures  the right balance for your body. Women typically have the pellets replenished between 4 to 6 months. Men typically have the pellets replenished every 6 months.

Click here for post-pellet care instructions
MALE, FEMALE (with uterus), FEMALE (no uterus)

Are there any side effects? What do I do if I experience any of these?

Possible side-effects include

  1. Breast Tenderness – If you initially develop too much breast tenderness, you may use Evening Primrose Oil (500mg by mouth twice/day) to reduce it. If it is extreme, you may require prescription Arimidex (1mg/day) for up to 10-14 days.
  2. Spotting or bleeding – Spotting or bleeding can occur if you are not getting adequate amounts of Progesterone. If you are taking progesterone appropriately, other factors may be at fault such as endometrial polyps, uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia or cancer.
  3. Fluid retention – estrogen can cause fluid retention, in the first few weeks following your pellet insertion. To reduce this, drink lots of water, take cider vinegar capsules and prescription Spironolactone if necessary.
  4. Mood Swings – For mood or irritability, try S-adenosylmethyl E (1 capsule twice/day), St John’s Wart (300mg 3x/day), or Vitamin B6 (100mg twice/day)
  5. Acne – Cleocin T solution, Differen gel, or spironolactone
  6. Bruising or pain – Arnica Montana gel can be applied topically 3x/day to affected area, or you can try Traumel tablets or gel, apply ice, anti-histamines, or ibuprofen only after the first 24 hours.
How and when should I schedule my return appointment?

In the office, when you receive your bio-identical hormone pellets, you will be typically scheduled for about five months out to replenish your pellets. You may make changes to your scheduled appointment simply by calling 801-377-0580. After the initial one month post-pellet blood draw, patient only need to update their blood work once a year.

We want to help you!

Not in Utah, schedule a phone consultation.

  • “Hormone therapy has done wonders for me. I first heard about D. Andrew through a friend who has had great experiences with HRT as well. I thought feeling yucky was just a way of life. However, since my treatments of HRT feelings of depression, anxiety, and fatigue have all been helped tremendously. I can always tell when my pellets run out because of the drastic difference it makes. I am a true believer in HRT.”

    Angela Cochran
  • “My experience with Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy has been very positive! For 10 years, I tried to address my low hormone levels with creams, but they didn’t work for me. Then I came to Dr. Andrew and he switched me to Bio-Identical Hormone Pellets, I finally feel like myself again! It makes such a huge difference in my energy levels and mental clarity. The staff in Dr. Andrew’s office are always nice, helpful and friendly. They aren’t’ stuffy or intimidating and never made me feel like I had too many questions.”

    Sherie Thain
  • Great news. My energy level is significantly improved (I would estimate 50% more stamina on my daily bike rides), I’m sleeping much better, and one MAJOR BONUS. After 35 years of daily migraines, I am now 100% migraine free. Migraines diminished gradually for three weeks after the pellets were consumed daily by this ...

    Dennis Martin, Ph. D.

We want to help you!

We work to balance several different hormones and look for natural hormone replacement options

123 N 500 E | Payson UT 84651

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